Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Doppler Radar


Doppler radar image's have a smaller range than other radar images because they use a higher pulse frequency. Although the range becomes smaller, they are able to measure higher wind speeds than a normal radar can handle. This is an image over the Tampa Bay, Florida area using Doppler Radar.

Black and White aerial photo


In contrast to colored photography, black and white are less expensive to produce and store and the black and white photos tend to have a little bit of a sharper image. This is a photo taken from Hawthorne, Nevada where the government had to inspect old underground piping because it was hazardous and outlines potential plans to fix the problems.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Infrared Aerial Photo


Infrared aerials photos or any infrared for that matter are displayed with a sensitivity to infrared light. They use an infrared filter to let all of the light except the visible light through to the spectrum. This is what causes it to look red. This photo is from the coal fires in XingJiang, China.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Remote Sensing/Google Earth


This image is a remote sensing map shown on Google Earth from a severe weather monitoring website. This particular map is a continuous radar of the United States. The map is real time and can be used to forecast bad weather and potentially catastrophic disasters for preparation.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Cartographic Animation


A cartographic animation is a map that tries to show a visual image that would be difficult to show on a still image. The main goal is to show the depiction of change in the map. They usually show change over time and can be temporal or non temporal. This is a map of Galveston, Texas that shows a storm surge of 20 feet or so.